Income Tax on Capital Gains in Unlisted Shares

Taxation of unlisted shares can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific tax laws in place.  In many countries, including India, the taxation of income from the transfer of…

Capgemini Share Price on tear- Research Report

About   Serge Kampf established Capgemini in 1967 as an enterprise management and data processing firm. The company was founded as Sogeti. Sogeti bought Gemini Computers Systems, a New York-based corporation,…

Income Tax on Unlisted Shares

Tax on Unlisted Shares Income Tax on Trading in unlisted shares is similar to the tax treatment of other capital assets. The following are the income tax rates on the sale of…


Off-market transfers of unlisted shares with consideration will attract a 0.015% stamp duty. Say if you are transferring securities worth 100,000 INR, stamp duty @ 0.015% will be 15Rs. Method…