Navigating the Pitfalls: Mitigating the Risks of Buying Unlisted Shares

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Risks of Buying Unlisted Shares and How to Avoid Them

Buying unlisted shares can present both opportunities and risks. Unlisted shares refer to shares of a company that are not traded on a public stock exchange. Here are some risks associated with buying unlisted shares and ways to mitigate them.

RisksHow to AvoidHow Altius Investech Helps
LACK OF LIQUIDITY Invest only funds you can lock away for a while. Research exit options like private sales or buyback offers.Altius Investech provides a platform for selling shares, enhancing liquidity and facilitating potential exits.
LIMITED TRANSPARENCY Conduct thorough due diligence. Review financial statements, understand the business model, assess growth prospects.Altius Investech offers comprehensive research resources, including blogs, overviews, and insights, aiding informed decisions despite limited transparency.
VALUATION RISKSeek professional advice for assessing fair value. Consider financial performance, growth potential, industry comparisons.Altius Investech’s experienced analysts offer valuation expertise, leveraging 25 years of industry experience for accurate assessments.
BUSINESS RISKEvaluate the company’s business model, competitive advantages, management team, and industry dynamics.Altius Investech’s execution excellence and legal expertise navigate potential business risks, ensuring investor confidence.
Risks of Buying Unlisted Shares and How to Avoid Them

Important Note– Please note that the lock-in period for selling unlisted shares is six months after listing. Hence you cannot sell an unlisted share that you bought in Pre-IPO for six months after its listing.

For any query/ personal assistance feel free to reach out at or call us at +91-8240614850.

To know more about Unlisted Company. Click here –

You can also check out the list of Best 5 Unlisted Shares to Buy in India.

To buy unlisted shares of any company. Click here –

To know more about How to sell Unlisted Shares. Click and read here –


How to sell Unlisted shares?

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