Listed Vs. Unlisted Shares: Assessing Risk and Reward

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Listed Vs. Unlisted Shares: A Comprehensive Comparison

Listed Company

A listed company is a business that has its shares (ownership portions) traded on a stock exchange.

When a company decides to go public, it undergoes an initial public offering (IPO), during which it offers a portion of its ownership to the public in the form of shares. These shares are then bought and sold on a stock exchange, such as the National Stock Exchange (NSE) or the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

Being listed on a stock exchange provides several advantages for a company. It allows them to raise capital by selling shares to many investors.

 It also provides liquidity for existing shareholders, as they can sell their shares on the open market. Additionally, being listed enhances a company’s visibility and credibility in the financial markets.

Investors can buy and sell shares of a listed company through a brokerage, and the prices of these shares fluctuate based on supply and demand dynamics, as well as the company’s performance and market conditions. Being a listed company involves complying with various regulatory requirements and financial reporting standards to ensure transparency and protect the interests of shareholders.

Advantages of Listed Company

Listed companies, those whose shares are traded on a stock exchange, enjoy several advantages:

  1. Access to Capital: Being listed allows companies to raise capital by selling shares to a wide range of investors. This can lead to fund expansion, research, and other strategic initiatives.
  2. Liquidity: Shares of listed companies can be easily bought or sold on the stock exchange, providing liquidity for shareholders. This liquidity makes it easier for investors to enter or exit their positions.
  3. Market Visibility: Listing on a stock exchange increases a company’s visibility and credibility. It can attract attention from analysts, institutional investors, and the media, potentially improving the company’s reputation.
  4. Employee Benefits: Listed companies can offer stock options or share purchase plans to employees, providing them with a stake in the company’s success and aligning their interests with those of shareholders.

Disadvantages of Listed Company

Listed companies, while enjoying various benefits, also face certain disadvantages:

  1. Market Volatility: The share prices of listed companies can be subject to market fluctuations, influenced by factors beyond the company’s control, such as economic conditions, industry trends, or geopolitical events.
  2. Short-Term Pressures: Publicly traded companies may face pressure to meet quarterly earnings expectations, potentially leading to short-term decision-making that prioritizes immediate financial results over long-term strategic goals.
  3. Increased Regulatory Compliance: Listed companies are subject to more stringent regulatory requirements and reporting standards. Compliance with these regulations can be time-consuming and costly.


The BSE has listed about 5000 companies whereas NSE has listed 1600.

Fun Trivia

Unlisted Company

An unlisted company is a business that has not offered its shares to the public for trading on a stock exchange. Unlike listed companies whose shares are bought and sold on stock markets like the National Stock Exchange (NSE) or the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

Unlisted companies keep their ownership private among a smaller group of people. In simple terms, if you own a piece of an unlisted company, you cannot easily sell it on a stock exchange like you could with shares of a listed company. Instead, transactions involving shares of unlisted companies typically occur through private negotiations.

An unlisted company, being privately held, enjoys the benefits of greater control, enhanced privacy, and the ability to focus on long-term strategies without the pressures of quarterly market expectations, allowing for a more selective ownership structure and potentially lower compliance costs.

Advantages of Unlisted Company

Unlisted companies, also known as private companies, have several advantages:

  1. Greater Control: Owners of unlisted companies have more control over decision-making and operations since they do not have to answer to a large number of public shareholders. This can lead to more agile and strategic business management.
  2. Privacy: Unlisted companies are not required to disclose as much information as publicly traded companies. This affords them greater privacy in terms of business strategies, financial performance, and internal operations.
  3. Flexibility in Decision-Making: Unlisted companies can make decisions without the short-term pressures often associated with meeting quarterly expectations of public markets. This allows for a focus on long-term strategies and goals.
  4. Selective Ownership: Owners can choose their investors, allowing for a more selective and aligned ownership structure. This can be beneficial for maintaining a shared vision and values among stakeholders.

Disadvantages of Unlisted Company

Unlisted or private companies, while offering certain advantages, also face specific disadvantages:

  1. Limited Access to Capital: Unlisted companies may find it more challenging to raise large amounts of capital compared to their listed counterparts. They often rely on a smaller pool of investors, such as venture capitalists, private equity firms, or bank loans.
  2. Lack of Liquidity: The shares of unlisted companies are not traded on public exchanges, making it harder for shareholders to sell or buy shares quickly. This lack of liquidity can be a disadvantage for both investors and employees who hold company shares.
  3. Limited Visibility: Unlisted companies have lower visibility in the financial markets and may struggle to attract attention from analysts, institutional investors, and the media. This reduced visibility can make it more challenging to build a strong brand and attract top talent.


Dell returns to public stock market after years as private company.

Dell was listed on the market for over a decade. Having accomplished the goals that convinced Michael Dell to take Dell private. He can now find new investors and equity for the company.

Difference between Listed Company and Unlisted Company

AspectListed CompanyUnlisted Company
OwnershipShares traded on public stock exchanges.Shares held privately among a limited group.
Access to CapitalEasier access to public capital markets.Typically relies on private investors and loans.
LiquidityHigh liquidity due to publicly traded shares.Shares are held privately among a limited group.
Regulatory ComplianceStringent regulatory requirements and reporting.Less regulatory burden compared to listed companies.
Market VisibilityHigher visibility in financial markets.Lower visibility, less attention from analysts.
ControlShared ownership, less control for founders.More control for founders and key stakeholders.

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To know more about the top 5 Unlisted Shares. Visit-

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